Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Sekarang dah masuk final year final sem..maksudnye dah 4 tahun berlalu sejak aku menapakkan kaki ke uia. To be honest rasa excited sgt sebab dah nak grad...lepas bertahun-tahun study..dari tadika sampai la universiti..non-stop :)

Tapi seriyes rasa momentum nak study tu dah nak sampai limit...penat sangat..at the end i always ponteng class..haha..tapi takde la sampai tahap kene barred..actually barring letter pon x penah dapat : p

dulu-dulu pernah kasi advice kat kawan-kawan yg dah nak grad, to enjoy and menikmati dorang punye final sem..but now i know the harsh reality, it pretty much useless to say so..SEBAB FINAL SEM LA PALING BANYAK ASSIGNMENT! but well, it depends on how anda susun anda punye class schedule..*which i screwed up*

So, ada lebih kurang 2-3 months left before i go out for good from my beloved uia..gambatte to myself..with overflowing assignments..no more assignments after this yes? i should enjoy doing em too, or going to classes, or doing some field work...study is not equal to working..

Dah terbayang-bayang dalam fikiran nanti hari convo, amik robe kaler turquoise yg cantik tu,  masuk dewan CAC, naik atas pentas and took the scroll...seronoknye! After years of hardship, it's worth it, i'm SURE! Bachelor of Human Sciences (Psychology) :)))

My day shall come too...In Shaa Allah

p/s: dah start survey nak beli baju nak pakai time convo nanti..and dah extra paid fee sem ni rm130 for graduation fee..hehe